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Free Branding Playbook

Ready to start your online business?

Phase one (Branding Starter Pack) is now LIVE! Because building an online business should be easy.

Start Building Your Brand
Get The Free Branding Playbook

Gain clarity on your business idea

Dive deep into your business idea using our structured framework, ensuring a clear vision and solid foundation.

Speed up your growth & knowledge

Accelerate your entrepreneurial journey with detailed tutorials and actionable resources to scale efficiently.

Turn your ideas into realities

Transform your concepts into tangible online businesses with our hands-on training and supportive community.

Live life on your own terms

Embrace the freedom of entrepreneurship and lead a life designed by you, for you. Lets make it happen! 


The best time to start an online business was yesterday. The second best time is today.


If you are reading this you are one step closer to living a life by your design. While you had big dreams, so far you've also had more questions than answers - 'where do I start? How long is it going to take? Can I do it alone?'

So you end up not doing anything about it and waiting for a 'better time' to start.


We've been stuck, too. There's a LOT to take in. 



MOBE offers  the complete solution to an incomplete business idea




 Access all the tools, templates, and knowledge you need to build your online business


Get The Branding Starter Pack Now

 Get unstuck with action cycles: 
Learn. Create. Get Feedback. Continue.


 So what's included?


Video Trainings

Master the fundamentals of online business in your own time with detailed tutorials, and information you can apply straightaway.

Collective Hub

Entrepreneurship doesn't need to be lonely! Share your wins, stay motivated, and hold each other accountable inside our private hub.


Each training contains additional templates, tools and resources that help you apply what you have learned so you can focus on growing.

Group Coaching

As part of the Collective Hub, you get access to bi-weekly coaching calls to help you stay on track and get unstuck when facing a challenge.

Online Tutorials

If we ask you to use certain software or website builder - we will teach you how, in an easy way even for non-tech savvy folk

Winning Mindset

Throughout the training there are mindset teachings with actionable tips to help you feel confident when you want to drop in the towel.

Half learning. Half coaching. Everything you need.

After years of trial and error, including our own failures and successes we decided to put all of our combined knowledge into one place, so you don't have to make the same mistakes (which cost time,  money and cause discouragement). Because when you love what you do, work becomes exciting.

Here is what the Full Mobementum Course is going to include:

Branding Made Easy

Learn the fundamentals of branding and get a proven framework to designing your own winning brand.

Marketing Made Easy

Master online marketing. Create profitable funnels, design effective content and tell your story.

Website Building

Learn how to build a product or service website that reflects your brand and wins over clients.

Soulful Sales

Learn how to design & sell your irresistible offer, create sales funnels and never run out of leads.

Mindset & Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship requires not only knowledge but personal growth. Learn how to face all challenges.

The Collective Hub

Get access to templates, guides, live trainings, tools and a closed community of like-minded Mobers.

Hey, nice to meet you!

We are Mirena & Ollie - the founders of MOBE. We experienced first-hand the challenge of finding all the information you need to build an online business. This led us to combining our 15 years experience in the design and marketing field and starting MOBE. 

MOBE is on a mission to make it easier for everyone to follow their dream of owning their own business, so they can live a life that's true to them (and spend more time doing things they love!).

The MOBE Roadmap

'Honesty is a gift you give to yourself and others.'


We want to have complete trust and transparency with all of our users which is why we're sharing our roadmap (which will be consistently updated) to show you guys what is available now, what's coming up and why you should become a part of MOBE.

Get serious about building your business with our...


The first stage is getting clear on your branding. Grab the MOBE Branding Starter Pack and accelerate building your online business with confidence:


+ The Branding Playbook PDF: Follow a step-by-step process to build your own online brand.

+ The Figma Guidelines: Design your brand step-by-step with an easy to follow Figma Guidelines Template.

+ The Notion Guideline: the core of your business in one place. Easy to customise guidelines.

+ Competitor Analysis Figma Template

+ Moodboard Whiteboard Figma Template

+ How-to tutorial

Branding Starter Pack

Have you ever had the right tools and a support? 


That's why it didn't work. The real winners are the action-takers (also called MOBErs). You can join them and change your life, or you can keep dreaming of a time when you will feel ready to start your online business.

Let's take the first positive step of many...


Join the MOBEment Waitlist

Get serious about your business and be the first to know when we go live.

Get educational (yet fun) newsletters, receive special discounts & enjoy exclusive offers

Not sure yet?

Grab our free Branding Playbook or get the whole Branding Made Easy bundle and kickstart your online business journey with ease!

Your Free Branding Playbook

Made by visionaries. For visionaries. 

If you are in the process of becoming your own boss, MOBE is perfect for you. Especially for...





Educators & Speakers


Creatives & Illustrators 



Photographers & Artists

9 to 5 Quitters


Charities & Non-profits 


What's in the Mobement course?

Perfect for first-time entrepreneurs and start-up founders, it is covering all the fundamentals to creating, growing, marketing and selling your brand with focus on the mindset you need.

Branding Made Easy

Learn the fundamentals of online branding and nail your internal and external brand. You also get: 

✓ Online trainings covering everything about building a brand

✓ Customisable Branding Template on Figma

✓ Branding Playbook teaching you all the fundamentals (without the fluff)

✓ Plug-n-Play Branding Guidelines on Notion

✓ Access to additional materials & tools

Marketing Made Easy

Learn the fundamentals of online marketing and reach your goals quicker with strategic templates & tools designed to speed up your growth:

✓ Online trainings covering everything about marketing your business

✓ Customisable marketing strategy templates

✓ Figma Social Media templates 

✓ Notion Social Media planners

✓ Marketing Playbook (Fundamentals, Competitors Analysis, Email Marketing, SEO, Content Creation and more) 

Website Building

You don't need to know code to create a stunning website or landing page for your business. We got you covered:

✓ Choosing the right website (e-commerce/service/product)

✓ Hand-on tutorials showing you how to create your website

✓ Funnel building mini-training

✓ Setting up automations (email, upsells, SEO)

✓ How to reflect your branding in your website

Soulful Sales

Every business needs to make sales to exist:

✓ The fundamental sales tools and techniques

✓ Sales Playbook (how to craft an offer, identify your ideal client, generate leads)

✓ Figma Funnel Building Template

✓ How to price you offers well (the value ladder)

✓ The importance of knowing your ideal client

✓ Income & Expenses Template

Mindset & Entrepreneurship 

Entrepreneurship makes you step way outside your comfort zone, so we want to prepare you for the journey ahead:

✓ Trainings on building mental resilience & CEO mindset

✓ The Mindset Book (gain confidence, build healthy habits, stick to your commitments, plan ahead, and more)

✓ Notion Habit Tracker

✓ Notion Monthly Planner

✓ Reading & Mindfulness Bonus Materials

✓ Productivity apps to work smarter, not harder

The Collective Hub

Members get access to:

✓ A private community of like-minded individuals where you can seek support, get feedback and ask Qs

✓ Access to all tools, templates, guides and online trainings

✓ Exclusive discounts on software & products

✓ Bi-weekly Live Group Coaching calls where you can get feedback and access MOBE's founders for advice

1:1 Coaching

The only 'shortcut' you will ever get is by accessing mentors that have been there. Our 1:1 Coaching packages include:

A 12-week programme customised for you

Weekly calls supporting you on your journey

Feedback on projects and accountability + access to MOBE

Make sure MOBE is the right fit for your business.


Still not sure if MOBE's the right move? Find the A's to your Q's:

Join MOBE's newsletter & accelerate your business' growth

Disclaimer: While MOBE stands for Making Online Business Easy, entrepreneurship isn't always easy. We believe the ease comes from the knowledge, guidance and helpful tools. That being said, you have to be willing to put in the hard work to succeed. 

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