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All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Online Business

We use all of these tools ourselves and wanted to put them in one big pile for you guys, hopefully this saves you the hassle of finding what works & what doesn't work. We'll be updating this list consistently so keep checking it out!


Notion - Project Management

Notion is a single space where you can think, write, and plan. Capture thoughts, manage projects, or even run an entire company — and do it exactly the way you want.

Coolors - Design Time Saver

Coolors is the essential tool for creating and collecting color palettes. It allows you to generate perfect matching colors in seconds. Even if you are not so skilled in design!

Adobe CC - Creative Software

Adobe Creative Cloud is a set of applications and services that gives subscribers access to a collection of software used for graphic design, video editing, web development, photography & more.

Figma - Collaborative Web App

Figma design is for people to create, share, and test designs. It is a popular tool for designers, product managers, writers and developers and helps anyone involved in the design process contribute, give feedback & save time.



More coming...